Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Group

Prof. Dr. H. Seda Vatansever
- Group Leader

Researchers: Dr. Gülşen Özduran, Prof. Dr. Fazilet Aksu

Neurodegenerative diseases, the incidence of which increases with the prolongation of life, are among the most important research areas since they are seen in all age groups. Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are the most common neurodegenerative diseases, the prevalence of which increases with aging. Apart from these, similar diseases such as Huntington's disease, frontotemporal dementias, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which are less common but impair quality of life with significant sequelae, are in the neurodegenerative diseases group. However, neurodegenerative changes can also be seen in disease groups including vascular dementia and cognitive disorders.

Understanding the causes of neurodegenerative diseases is important to determine the mechanisms of the disease as well as to produce effective and permanent treatment. DESAM continues to work with projects in the neurodegenerative diseases group, in which basic and clinical sciences work together, new and plant-derived products are tested, in vitro and in vivo experimental models are used, and new solution-oriented approaches to diseases are developed. In particular, studies on in vitro experimental Alzheimer's and Parkinson's models in the DESAM cell culture laboratory are the models developed by the research group. Studies regarding this field continue with different analysis methods and applications.

In addition, molecular studies continue with samples of neurodegenerative patients. It is also among our goals to determine the diversity of neurodegenerative diseases in the general population, to identify their causative agents, and to conduct innovative research that will assist in early diagnosis and facilitate the follow-up of the disease.