Reproductive Medicine Research Group

Prof. Dr. Pınar Tulay
- Group Leader

Researchers: Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu Özbakır, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cenk Özay, Res. Assist. Hakan Aytaçoğlu, Res. Assist. Melis Kalaycı

The DESAM Research Institute Reproductive Medicine Research Group is a working group that investigates more effective diagnosis and treatment methods by examining the basis of many diseases affecting reproductive health. The research team is a multidisciplinary team consisting of clinicians and scientists. Our research studies include investigation of the complex gynecological diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, rare disorders affecting reproductive development, and factors affecting health before and after pregnancy. In addition, it includes studies that both investigate the effects of environmental factors on the preimplantation development of gametes (oocyte-eggs and sperm) and embryos and reveal pathways at the molecular level. Molecular studies are performed at both the gene expression level and the epigenetic level.